Fallout 4 Crashing In City
All credit goes to this post -But I thought I should share it here in case someone is looking.I was getting this constantly - anywhere in downtown Boston, along the Freedom Road, around Combat Zone, approaching Good Neighbor - I would get immediate crash to desktop.I was resorting to multiple console tricks to fix it, but long story short it was coming from one stupid texture file: roofmetal03d.ddsI recognized it immediately. It had come from this mod:The bug has been reported and there's info about a better alternative mod there was well. If anyone is getting CTD around this same area, try checking in /data/textures/architecture/buildings and removing this file.Hopefully if anyone is searching for this it will help. Originally posted by:OMG!!!
This worked for me!! Really happy someone else found this and had it work.FYI, I continued to get sporadic CTD even after this, and ended up removing all these 'RoofMetal' files, eliminating the CTD from this, and not causing any other problem. In total I removed:RoofMetal01RoofMetal02RoofMetal03androofmetal01rubblesroofmetal01rubblenAny time I approached an area and had to CTD, I would test it again to make sure it was that area causing it, and get the same result. After removing one of these files, I'd go back - no problem. Basically kept happening until I got rid of all of them. I should have just nixed them from the start all at once but wasn't sure I had to.I still haven't bothered to go through and check the mods file from a fresh download to compare and try to purge everything, but I don't have the problem anymore, so I'm happy.
Cheer and happy playing! Europa universalis vs hearts of iron. Originally posted by:there's a sanctuary roof mod that depended on the fill those holes modwww.nexusmods.comwww.nexusmods.comYes, indeed. When I was modding back in December that's what led me to the patch job mod, trying to get Sanctuary looking prewar again.
Fallout 4 Crashing In City Center
Now there are way better options for that, modding wise. I think the latest Homemaker version has full prewar Sanctuary houses already built, and even prewar grass as a decoration. So no more need for these odd combinations of mods. Originally posted by:I'm having this problem as well, but I don't have either the Repaired Sanctuary Roofs, or the Patch Job mod. None of the mods should really cause a CTD and I'm honestly stumped I have no clue why is crashing in the city. :LTry opening up Event Viewer in Windows.
Expand Windows Logs and check under Applications right after a Fallout 4 CTD. In the information it gives, it may point to the actual file that was loaded right before the crash. Find that file in your Fallout 4 directory and remove it, then test again. Maybe Google search that file to make sure it's not necessary for anything else.Hope that solves it for you.
Hey guys, I'm having this same problem but I have no 'Textures' folder in my directory, I do have a folder called 'VirtualInstall' that contains all the mods I installed through NMM and I'll try deleting that, Already tried deleting the textures.bsa files and redownloading them(those files are 14gb!),I've disabled all my mods, started new game etc. It just started happening after I started using a new series of mods, played 3 characters previously with no such problems.sometimes the crash even makes steam close. The joys of modding.
In case you didn’t play the wonderful Fallout 3 DLC, or haven’t been lucky enough to stumble upon them before, here’s some info for you: there are aliens in Fallout 4. They are tough to find, only popping up at seemingly random points in the game, but play enough and eventually you’ll come upon one. However, the interaction will usually consist of seeing their ship streak across the sky and hearing it crash at some unknown location. There seem to be a couple spots where this can happen, but by far the most common is right around Diamond City, so here’s how to find the crashed UFO and the Alien Blaster weapon that it brings. First up, this is not a totally random event. The UFO will appear and crash only once you’ve completed certain missions. Unfortunately we aren’t totally sure what those are at this time, but many are reporting that clearing out Vault 75 does it.
I personally hadn’t completed this mission, but I had just done some work for the Railroad, and finished the Silver Shroud intro quest. I’d recommend trying these if you still need to trigger the UFO crash.Once you’ve done the right set of missions you’ll hear something pop in the sky, your companion might respond, saying something like “did you just see that?” If you look up at the right time you should see the ship fly across the sky, leaving a trail behind. You’ll then hear the crash off in the distance, which you’ll have to locate. To do so you’ll want to travel to the area between the Beantown Brewery and Oberland Station, to the northwest of Diamond City. The ship will be nearby, so just walk to the east and you should spot the remnants of a forest fire. In this area you’ll find the crashed ship, but you’ll have to do some more work to locate the Alien Blaster.To the right/starboard side of the ship should be a spot of green blood.
Follow this trail for a little bit and you’ll come upon a cave. Inside will be the alien, holding the Alien Blaster that you seek. He won’t be too happy to see you, so enter the cave prepped for a fight. Once he’s down you can grab the Alien Blaster.This weapon is actually pretty powerful, featuring a damage rating of 50 and decent stats all around. It’s also worth over 1500 caps, in case you’re not a fan of energy weapons. One issue with it is that it uses the specific alien ammo that you get here, making it pretty hard to use long term. However, you can mod the weapon to use standard Fusion Cells, so I’d recommend that if you’re planning to utilize the Alien Blaster a bunch throughout Fallout 4.Like I said, there are a couple of other places that this might happen in Fallout 4, but this is by far the most common for players.

Follow these steps and you should be blasting away with your fancy new alien weapon in no time.