Fallout 4 Male Nude Mod

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Its on the top rated mods as of now. In the description the creator even states it's a 'totally not nude body replacer' and they have 2 more mods that add clothing that support it.Don't know if this means that Bethesda is checking mods before they're uploaded or if they get uploaded and then checked. But I assume if you download it before they take it down you'll keep it, from what I heard about the busty body replacement mod.EDIT: Everyone is acting like I'm Satan for saying that it exists. What do you thing is going to get looked at more, this post, or a kotaku article?. You do know that helping spread nude mods is helping to get the whole service dismantled right?That helping randos on the internet might be minors that can get caught and bring a heap of hurt on Bethesda, right?Do you know what happened the last time a nude mod got Bethesda in trouble? They backpedaled so fast they are still scared shitless of it happening again.And with you spreading mods that break TOS that exist for this exact reason, you are helping console modding end up being shit canned.But whatever, its totally not selfish to get a whole service shit canned because you are too lazy to jack it on a computer like a normal person.
Fallout 4 Male Armor
I'm not spreading persay, because I didn't list the mods name. I hope it gets taken down. It's stupid on Bethesda's part because they should have to approve of mods for this exact reason. But also stupid on the uploader's part due to the fact they broke TOS. Don't get mad at me.
I already reported itEdit: I'm not trying to argue with you. The main reason I posted this was because it shouldn't be there.
Hence the FYI in my post. Bethesda said they wouldn't allow nude mods, but there is one. So they failed.
I am moderately drunk, so I feel that had made my post not sound the way I wanted, which was not to argue with anyone. If I remember correctly, when Bethesda announced the mods on console they said that there wouldn't be hand picked mods by them.They want to allow the same experience as PC users, so not allowing NSFW mods would be against that idea.(BTW how do you install mods on console?
Is there a tab in game or do you have to do something special?)Edit:But after thinking about it for some time, there should be some sort of barrier so younger audiences cant install the mods that you would find on LoversLab. They want to allow the same experience as PC users, so not allowing NSFW mods would be against that idea.Bullet point #4: Do not upload mods featuring nude or sexually explicit material.Getting the same experience as PC players was never going to happen anyway. Too many things the console manufacturers would never allow.(BTW how do you install mods on console? Is there a tab in game or do you have to do something special?)There's a 'Mods' category in the main menu, same as the one on PC. PS4 is coming soon.
Aren't online interactions not rated by the ESRB?Doesn't matter. The rating stamp doesn't begin and end with what's printed on the box. It has everything to do with Bethesda needing to maintain control of the content per that rating, because as the publisher of the game they still have to follow ESRB guidelines even after the game is published.It would be the same as making a game that was given an ESRB rating of 'Early Childhood' and then turning around and offering a mod for that game that includes explicit sex and violence.
The ESRB can turn around and drop the hammer on them through fines and sanctions. Doesn't matter if they MADE the mod or not, if the same organization that published the game distributes the mod, they're the ones on the hook.The publisher allowing nude mods subverts the ESRB rating, and on top of it, opens the door to minors downloading the content. That's a massive can of worms when allowed through content sanctioned by the maker of the game. On PC that's not something that can be managed because everything's third-party - development AND distribution - but on consoles it can. Allowing such things makes Bethesda, Microsoft and Sony targets for litigious parents.
(See: Hillary Clinton vs. Hot Coffee).
Any one think they could use what sliders there is already to make clothing and armor sliders that would work with the SHB armors and clothing? Would be nice to be able to use clothing and armor instead of walking around nude all the time to have that nice of a body shape.I think theres someone else working on it already. That is for BodyTalk 1 but he said been working on BodyTalk2 Refits.I tried to work on something myself but idk if i'm just unlucky or dumb cause there's always clipping when i load the outfit ingame. Unless i combine some sliders at same time in Outfit Studio, but i don't know how they will morph if i cover the clipping with multiple sliders onEdited January 22 by Ulfberth. I'm trying to figure this out as well. Clipping is minimal (even in-game), but it's still there.
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Annoying.idk if its the most recommended but i found that you can remove the part of meshes where there`s clipping. Eg in your case you can just mask (mask vertices tool is located among brush tools with a circle fused with a square icon) the BT Body legs ( don't forget to left click on BT body mesh on the right panel first) invert the mask (Tool Invert Mask) then go to Shape tab - Delete Vertices. You can also toggle the vertice filter to see which vertices you are masking, its close to mirroring toggle with a pencil icon. That will delete your legs only and your torso will remain so you probably won't run into clippings anymore.PS: Don't forget to save your project before deleting vertices because the process can't be undone if you did it wrongEdited January 22 by Ulfberth. Idk if its the most recommended but i found that you can remove the part of meshes where there`s clipping. Eg in your case you can just mask (mask vertices tool is located among brush tools with a circle fused with a square icon) the BT Body legs ( don't forget to left click on BT body mesh on the right panel first) invert the mask (Tool Invert Mask) then go to Shape tab - Delete Vertices. You can also toggle the vertice filter to see which vertices you are masking, its close to mirroring toggle with a pencil icon. That will delete your legs only and your torso will remain so you probably won't run into clippings anymore.PS: Don't forget to save your project before deleting vertices because the process can't be undone if you did it wrongAaaaand all the clipping is gone. You're a true lifesaver, bro.