Sims 4 More Trait Mods
Sims for trait mods are basically the showcase of your sim character. How they respond in the real world game. There are so many custom traits available for the Sims 4. Custom traits for the sims 4 that will make your game a little bit more interesting and realistic. Sims 4 custom traits are specially designed for the sims character to live a happy lifestyle. They can save your sim from various disease and anxiety issue.
Download and install the traits for your game.Download Sims 4 traits mod Sims 4 Well-Aligned Trait. Sims will become happy doing some things like visiting a spa, giving and receiving messages, doing yoga or medication. They can also discuss their health and medication with other sims character. What are Traits Mods in The Sims 4?The Sims 4 trait is a personality system that you choose at the start of the game. These personalities systems measure your daily routine and interaction levels.
As of now, there are four kinds of traits in the game; Personality, death, bonus, and reward. From each of these base traits, there are additional traits from which you can select.
Sims 4 Free Custom Traits
Sims 4 Social Anxiety DisorderIf your sim has a social anxiety disorder or get embarrassed and humiliated in front of other sims then this mod is best suitable for you. There’s another one anticipatory anxiety, the fear of a situation before it even happened and is aware that the fear is unreasonable but unable to commit. The Sims 4 Custom Trait ModsThe Sims 4 CC traits are an amazing contribution from the developers. They allow us to add custom traits in the game.
Now you can become the most romantic or mean person in the game, with just one click. These trait mods are easy to download and doesn’t require any additional resources.
The Sims 4 Aspiration Trait ModThis mod adds all the aspiration trait into the reward store, and you can purchase these as points instead of doing a whole new aspiration. You can also do other aspiration if you want, these mods will not affect your current aspiration rate.Additional trait includes: Appraiser Fresh Chef Handy Mastermind Player Webmaster Survivalist Thrifty Vicarious and much more.