Mount And Blade Warband Rivacheg
I am on a play through as a merchant right now and am doing this exact thing.I have a company of 75 top tier cavalry, and I am just trading and killing bandits.Tulga and Ichy and towns have spice and salt sometimes. Get it all, travel to Ahm-whatever and sell one or two there. Salt sometimes in that area too, if you find it in the 120 range it sells in the central towns (Uhx, Dirhm, and Veluca for 220+).Buy all the dyes/dates/pottery/salt from Ahm-whatever and surrounding towns (Maybe Durqu-town worth a stop for dyes).
Cut through to Halmar and sell dyes. Continue to Suno and sell remaining spice/dyes/dates, and buy oil. Go to Praven/Sargoth to sell oil, get fish. Then go out to Khudan and Curaw (and Riv) for iron, silk, then head over the mountains to Ichy and Tulga again. Fish to Tulga and Bayerie make a few bucks profit, beats going empty handed. My go to peace time trade route. Quick and easy and almost everything i buy can get a decent price almost everywhere, so if we go to war in the middle of my trading, or prices are not as good when i go to sell, i can always just dump the load off in any city.spice from tulga and sell to sargoth/wercheg.
Salt from sargoth/wercheg. You can get a surprising price for it in rivacheg. Buy silk and stop off at curaw to pick up some tools. Sell some tools in suno, dhirim, or uxkhal. Sell silk and remainder of tools in jelkala and buy velvet.
You can sell velvet at a decent price in shariz and then go check on your fiefs or you can take it to tulga and buy more spice.if you are low on funds when you start this route, start with salt. If war breaks out salt will be hard to get rid of at a decent price as it is produced in many places. Tools can be hit or miss when selling them. I recommend selling velvet to shariz and then checking on your holdings as this route is too short for stocks to reset. By the time you make it back to tulga they will not have any new spice for you to buy.
When I started playing warband on PC I kept trying to play as a female character, after multiple attempts I only managed to start a kingdom once, before I blue screened. Jump to a year later and I’m playing on a ps4, still getting bad results with my female characters. Ok I thought, maybe I’ll try a male character this time. I become a vassal the first time I ask, get a village take a castle, start my own kingdom, and help eliminate both Swadia and the Vaegers (who I was originally a vassal of).Did I just get better at the game or is it really that hard for a woman in Calderia? Either way I made 3 of my female companions lords.Submitted June 26, 2019 at 03:07PM by mynamesnotjean
I've owned M&B Warband a while on Windows 10, Steam version.Been away from it a while but I'm feeling I want to get back to it. Problem is, I am not a keyboard and mouse person and my Xbox controllers don't work with ME. I struggle to play despite the enjoyment I get from it because I can not use the controllers instinctively. It puts me off getting back into this wonderful game/mod.Controller support would be a godsend as would any help. I have available a standard Xbox One controller.Also posted/asked onSubmitted June 26, 2019 at 09:57AM by Littlefysh Dunno if this is new in PoP but it's pretty damn useful.
Very rarely the new garrisons/prisoners hotkeys MAY produce unexplained errors due to improper usage by players (e.g. Used 'take all prisoners' hotkeys on the garrisoned soldiers). TaleWorlds abandoned the game 4 years ago because they realized how huge this project actually was. They didn’t want to get the bad press from the project being a failure so they sold it to a troll who owns a company called TealWorld. This way when the bad press comes out about the game never releasing they can pit the blame on the company they sold it to TealWorld instead of TaleWorlds. Since they no longer have the rights to the game. However, this backfired when TaleWorlds failed to read the fine print in the contract.
In the contract it states that TealWorlds has full rights to Bannerlord BUT they can still publish any updates through TaleWorlds name.The troll then created an account pretending to be an employee of TaleWorlds and begins to release weekly updates. The screenshots are of course created in photoshop, the game footage is just modded Warband gameplay with some camera effects added to the video. Any “live gameplay” they’ve done at an event are hired actors that are paid. Until this point I'm still playing the ORIGINAL M&B which I don't think has this system, but when I eventually buy M&B: Warband I just wanna get a good grip on this system, so here are my questions: Does the morale loss spread onto the entire army or only the units hail from the faction I'm fighting against?
Would this system be irrelevant if I destroy that faction? Any answers or tips would help me become a better player at this game (Theoretically at least), but if you don't wanna answer then please, go on your way. Anyways, I hope you have a good day anyday and everyday and would (Hopefully) also learn something from this too:-).Submitted June 25, 2019 at 08:22AM by Spagettlord1234
So I’m pretty new to this game, playing on XBox One.When King Harlaus offered me vassalage, I knew I might be boarding a sinking ship—and as a midshipman at that. The realm had been reduced to Uxkhal and a few scattered castles.Two wars later, Uxkhal has been lost and the Nords and Vaegris fight to divvy up what was once ours. I have no holdings to my name, and struggle to pay and feed my company of 80 men.There doesn’t seem to be any hope of Swadia recovering its former glory. There are only a few vassals still loyal to Harlaus, and while we have occasionally retaken Uxkhal since originally losing it, we can’t hold it for long enough to mean much. I don’t have nearly the influence to become marshal, so even if it’s possible for us to bounce back I don’t know how I can make it happen.So, what should I do? I’ve been kind of hoping we’d eventually be wiped out, so that I could join a different faction without trying to be relieved of my oath or defecting, which I haven’t done before. This has been asked before but I want to hear the opinions of the players these days.
Which of the claimants do you think is the most rightful to claim their kingdom's throne?In my opinion, the most rightful is;Prince Valdym the Bastard — He went through a tough childhood. His father died when he was young leaving him in the care of his uncle, the regent, Burelek.
His mother was executed for 'adultery' and he was declared a bastard. He would have been executed as well had it not been for the faithful servant that smuggled him away. While Yaroglek's claim to the throne is legitimate as well, I believe that Valdym is the more rightful one.And the least rightful is;Lord Kastor of Veluca — Graveth violated the rules of the election and threaten the council members to leave them to their fate was he not elected a king, but Kastor never said why he should be a king. He even admitted that the Swadian raiding party was, in fact, a real threat. The council had never finishe. I personally play mount and blade on an easier difficultly because i found it to be more fun and catering to new players. But unfortunately my friends all say that im bad and shouldn’t play the game as it ruins the immersion.
Mount And Blade Bannerlord
Idk though i feel id get rushed by the butterlord and his 700 men and have to re train 150 troops. Am i the only one who plays on an easier difficulty? Is it looked down upon? Btw I still have over 100 hours into the main campaign without completing it because I enjoy screwing around.
Aita for playing on easy mode?Submitted June 21, 2019 at 07:21PM by Altaccount746 There is no such thing as bannerlord being finished.
You can't finish a game like this. It's a massive sandbox which the devs could keep developing for literally decades. Talewords has stated that they are going to release bannerlord when it's complete, but bannerlord will not ever be complete.Look at dwarf fortress. It's been in development for 12 years, and the dev still says it's nowhere near finished and there are many more things he wants to release.This is how bannerlord is going to end up if talewords waits to release bannerlord until it's finished. It's literally just going to go on forever.
This isn't a story game with a clearly defined ending, this is a massive unending sandbox game which can be built on and built on for as long as the developer wants. This kind of game isn't simply 'finished', it's feature complete when the dev is done with it.Please, just release the damn game already. At the very least as an early access.
First of all, my idea of assigning fiefs to my vassals is to assign a certain town or castle to a lord and the surrounding villages around it, all to a single vassal. This idea helps boost your relation to the certain lord that you have assigned a fief to. However, it deteriorates your relation to the other lords, especially when they are circumstantial and dishonorable.Second, assigning fiefs can be the core which decides your relations towards your vassals.
It is inevitable that as a ruler, there will be more vassals that will hate you than the vassals that will like you. Most of the time, I just let them stay hateful towards me. I do not indict anyone for treason as in the first time that I did, everyone hated me. Never in any of my game have I seen any of my vassals rebel so I am curious of what will happen if they did.How do you assign fiefs to your vassals? Do you depend on the their support to whom should receive the certain fief? Do you depend on the renown of your vassals?H. So this bug I run into after around 200 days, after battles my allies seems to just vanish along with whatever troops I’m not able to hold onto.
I don’t know what causes this, as it doesn’t matter what troops I go in with, if I go in battle with my allies or not, auto resolve, etc. The only thing I can think of is my army size, as it happened in my last save that I scrapped where I got to a 600+ army.And I just can’t find the allies either.
It just says their location is unknown and I can’t locate then in taverns again or anything.Submitted June 19, 2019 at 08:36PM by totallyunique3 So I'm a vassal for the Rhodoks. I personally own Suno and Halmar. We've also had Shariz for a good amount of time as well.The previous Marshall, Count Gharmall, decided to get himself captured and while I was setting up my garrison and dye works in Halmar I was informed I was now Marshall. We're only at war with Khergits and Sarranids. All I gotta do is patrol between Shariz and Halmar with the army.Right after breaking sieges of both cities respectively the Nords declare war and siege Suno.
None of the other Lords will help me. I've started the campaign and am waiting near Ruluns while nobody except Count Nealcha comes to my aid. There is an army of around 1200 Nords outside the city.I also observed that during the siege of Halmar I had the full army but they refused to follow me too close to the enemy even though we had a clear advantage so I had to go at it alone.Any tips or tricks to get them to listen to me? I don't have negative relationships with anyb. I'm asking this question mostly because I'm playing the 'A Clash of Kings' mod and recently Braavos was taken over by Pentos, and I'd like to eventually restore Braavos even though they've been eliminated.
Would it be possible to restore Braavos if I were to back an usurper to the city who claims right to the city? I'm assuming there are also banished claimants the player can find in the base game, but I've not played much in Native.I've 50 hours in the game so I'm quite new and the mechanics are a lot deeper than they appear on the surface, or at least they don't always explain themselves easily. I'm still kind of stuck on how to become a more powerful vassal to the North under Robb Stark besides capturing an enemy castle on my own.Submitted June 17, 2019 at 09:56PM by Lamar38-41 Every single criticism made about him, he completely deflects, throws insults, and ignores it entirely. He insults anybody who says anything negative about the mod, and calls them entitled and whiny, simply because they suggested a change of the mod that he didn't like.He's notorious for this, for those who don't know. I'm linking sources of his asshole behavior, because i'm tired of it. He's a dick and he thinks everybody is an entitled asshole if they don't have the same opinion as him.Mitchymatt telling people to fuck offAlso, mitchymatt overreacting and telling people to fuck offMitchymatt being an asshole and openly flaunting it.
I recently started playing the Enhanced Edition of 1257 Anno Domini, and I encountered what I think is a game-breaking bug for me. Twice now I have been a vassal to a kingdom (first France then the Crusader States), and I have found that whenever I take a fief via siege, the game automatically turns it into land controlled by the player faction- which the game prompted me to create and make when I began the game. This causes me to leave the faction I am currently a vassal to, as if I rebelled, this turning the kingdom against me.I googled the issue and couldn’t find anything. Am I just being stupid and doing something wrong, or is this a bug?Submitted June 17, 2019 at 09:34AM by yellowbrogurt Is there a way to avoid or remove the infinite spawning enemies when you've boosted yourself to max level?
(2119?) Can't even plunder a castle because so many enemies (peasants) spawn that my laptop can't take it.No need for any 'get better PC' advices, not gonna do that.I play offline only. Not only is the beginning super hard, frustrating and annoying; it gets boring as well. I don't have time to be bored when I play so I speed things up.Submitted June 17, 2019 at 07:02AM by NeganIsBack They get so passive-aggressive when your relation with them is low, which is of course almost always because of fiefsI got Tarchias for example into my faction, who I had a relation of 50 with.
Over time it degraded to about -20. I just saved his dumbass from getting fricked by Sultan Hakim, and he has the nerve to say 'Qenes, you have proved yourself a worthy woman today, whatever your misdeeds in the past.' B o i are my misdeeds not giving you every damn fief you want when there are 20 other vassals who are better than you? You frick.Not directly related to the post, but are feasts the only way to keep my lords friendly? I can give six lords fiefs and have everything undone due to the -2 relation on every fief, since most of my vassals are jealous children. I'm playing Diplomacy.Submitted June 16, 2019 at 07:32PM by Qenes Castles that require siege towers to take over.I'm working taking over the Sarranid Sultanate right now.
With an engineering skill of seven, it takes 48 hours to build a siege tower. Getting the siege tower to the castle takes at least fifteen minutes real time. By then, the enemy ranged units have yeeted their projectiles at me and my friends' forces and killed us all, and this is with a battle advantage of six.When I use the automated battle feature, it takes about six rounds of the 'fighting with equal effort' messages to take over the castle, and only about half of every friendly's forces are gone.These castles aren't ideal to work with, and neither is automated battle, but it's the best solution.Submitted June 16, 2019 at 09:35PM by Qenes The Papal Legate stood before his flock and ministered communion. In great pomp and circumstance did that son of Sigismund make Beata Maria his sovereign Queen, and pledge with Christ as his witness that he would save his people from the murderous hordes that have come upon his kingdom - those bandits named Svea and Rus. Welcome to the community mod night! Between our monthly events, we like to shine a spotlight on some of the excellent but underutilized multiplayer modules that have come out of the modding community.
This month we will be returning to our much loved Deluge, a mod set in the eponymous invasion of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1655-60).This mod is brimming with peak pike-and-shot era warfare, with thunderous cavalry charges, backfiring muskets, and grand naval escapades on ill-fated galleons. When: Saturday, June 22nd, 4:00PM EDT Server: RedditModNight Password: reddit Module Download: The Deluge (v1.010) - Vo. Do not take this as an insult to the original game, but, why are the graphics so bad by 2008 standards?I love the gameplay of Mount and Blade: Warband, but when I first got it, the visuals were jarring to me.
My justification for this was that it released a long time back. Only to find out it released in 2010.Having played games from 2010 before M&B: Warband, like Halo: Reach, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Fallout: New Vegas, Just Cause 2 this honestly baffled me, and today I found that Warband is an expansion.
Now, to be clear, the visuals did not hurt my experience at all (I still played it regularly until I completely fucked up my character and made him a broke sack of piss), but I digress.The original Mount and Blade still looks inferior to games from earlier in the 2000’s, like all the Halo games up to that point. My question is, is there any reason for this?
Again, sorry if I sound negative. I really do like this game.Submitted June 16, 2019 at 02:18PM by BloodKingX http://bit.l.
A few months ago I was playing the ACOK mod and did a random event of saving a maiden from a rapist. But after the deed was done it was the rapist in a dress that thanked me for saving him from the scoundrel. Not only that but a text popped up saying my relation with Rapist went from 0 to 50. I literally about died from laughter from this, has anyone else experienced such a ridiculous random event? I really feel like this needs to be shared.Submitted June 15, 2019 at 11:30AM by MFGrabo I'm planning on making a female commoner of course, but beyond that, I'd like to start with a character with as little gold as possible and preferably zero renown.
I'd also like to start with the crappiest gear I can and no horse. Starting stats are less important, but making those as low as possible as well might be an interesting spin too. The goal's to go from random bum in the streets to conqueror of Calradia.My search-fu failed me both on Google and Reddit here. Could I get an assist?PS. I'll be playing Floris Evolved, not sure how much that changes things.Submitted June 14, 2019 at 11:13PM by whatthefbomb Explanation mainly in title.
I have crushed and lead the nord armies to total victory except ahmerrad and Barriye. This whole time I’ve been loyal to ragnar in the name of stability, but at this point, I am wondering if I should break from Ragnar and declare myself king over either ahmerrad or barriye after I take them. It would be hell trying to retake all of ragnars holdings that I’ve won for him, but I feel like it could also make for an interesting twist. Should I help Ragnar finish his conquering of calradia or break from him and try and fight him in a civil war? This is my first play through.Submitted June 15, 2019 at 12:18AM by Budmuncher
I love this game but holy hell renown is awful. I got 6 renown for taking a castle. I lost 28 renown for killing 24 men then taking an arrow to the face.
I’m what world, real or not, do you lose renown for slaying two dozen men on your own and your forces winning a battle? I got to 950 renown and now I’m at 804. All bc I fall in most battles even when staying back bc the other side has more troops available while my reinforcements run up. Anyone else find this to be super annoying?Submitted June 14, 2019 at 01:57PM by GladerGaming Hey everyone,With Patch 3.9.4 being worked on, some of the 'few' things will be coming with it are new, serpent-like, skin for units like Anaconda Knights or Dread Legionnaires. This will help seperate the looks from that of the Heretic Factions, as they are not connected by any means.Additionally, Knights of the Radiant Cross will sport newly redone armor that incoorporates their past Pendorian culture with that of it's Empire adopters, making it much more lore-friendly and artistically equal to other redone armors!There's plenty of stuff coming in 3.9.4 as the Changelog can be found here: There is no ETA.Hope you guys enjoy!
Hopefully you guys can help me troubleshoot this. I googled it and scoured the sub and got some useful info, but not enough to get it working.-I created the trees in Morghs, but I might have used the wrong base. I created them from scratch instead of using the Sokudo troops. Do I keep them in their default culture, or do I switch it to player culture?-I switched cultures using the camp menu, waited a week, and I was still unable to recruit my custom troops or the Sokudo troops.
Do I need my own faction? Do I need to be at locations I own to be able to do so, or is it any location?Submitted June 14, 2019 at 10:36AM by ImnotfamousAMA I am playing the ACOK mod and i am om day 997 of the game. After conquering all of Westeros for some reason Lys declared war on me. I have am realm army of 25 K and about 120 lords.
Lys only had 3 Lords on the city and 3 K of garrison + 500 of Lords. So i went with my army to take Lys. Jesus what a shit city to take. The garrison is full of Lys Firethrower that are basically dudes with grenades that have about 70 on hit and Lys Firemaker that are dudes with fire arrows. I lost 3K men to take the city. After i got another cool Valyrian Sword (Truth) but i feel bad for the 3K good men that died.Submitted June 14, 2019 at 01:11AM by RickardStarktheGrey
I asked this a few days ago but didn't get a real clarification. I was having an issue with the Marshall taking my garrisons so I went to the Constable and put patrols (using the garrisons troops) in the two fiefs I owned. Last night as I played I noticed they never appeared even though there were enemy patrols and battles within a short distance of the fiefs. These patrols are very large (300+ with elite troops) so its hard to believe they were to weak to join. Are patrols a waste of resources?
By reducing my garrisons to 425 it did stop the Marshall from taking the troops but with enemy armies totaling over 2000 defending will be a real chore! Any help will be greatly appreciated.
1257AD EnhancedSubmitted June 13, 2019 at 08:41AM by wales1958 I was wondering if anyone else uses banners in this mod like I do. Leadership stacks in this game. And if you intend to use your companions as lords it offers them +1 leadership, +1 tactics, and moral for each banner. I'm not sure if the 2 latter matter but I know that +2 leadership matters with 2 banners in a loadout. My loadout is sword-shield-banner-banner. This is what I use for pretty much all my companions.
You can get very big army sizes. My current group at level 17 can do 922.Submitted June 12, 2019 at 08:48PM by -Zadkiel-
This email was sent to family members of taleworlds developers Mount & Blade lI: Bannerlord Friends and Family Beta Invitations 23:37 Callum McGlinchey CM Mount & Blade lI:Welcome to the Bannerlord friends and family test! As one of the family and friends of our company, you are one of the first people invited to play the game. You have been invited to this test because you know someone who is currently working for the company. Please pay attention to this when participating in the tests. The game is still in the process of development, and so we ask you not to share your participation in the test with anyone outside the test group.
In addition, please do not share any screenshots, videos or any other type of media outside the test group. If you want to talk about beta, or if you want to let us know of any issues you may have, you can use the special beta section on our forums or our dedicated Discord server.
Due to the fact that the tests. When I sent out invitations, they didnt send out, and a task popped up saying I had 30 says to get ready for the feast, and it will start when the conditions allow it to. I have more than enough food, drink, etc to have a feast, IDK why it wont start. I was chosen to be Marshall by king graveth of the Rhodoks, and I heard that could glitch it out so I resigned, and still nothing. Please help I'm just trying to befriend some Counts and gain some renown.Submitted June 12, 2019 at 12:54AM by EHMedi0creAtBest
Good day, I'm playing 1257Ad enhanced and my garrisons are disappearing and leaving me with 165 troops. At first I thought it might be cash but upon investigating I had enough cash both in the castle and on myself.
I then went into 'enhanced mod' and found 'maximum garrisons'. They were set at 800/600 City/Castle. I was exceeding these numbers so today before I left for work I moved these up to 1700/1200 and camped to see if it would happen again. I only had a short time to see but it didn't happen. Did this correct the issue? And if so how do I place my field army in a fief without causing this to happen again?

Thank youSubmitted June 11, 2019 at 07:07AM by wales1958 I absolutely hate you. You are the most useless marshall in the history of the Ravenstern Kingdom.I tell you at least three times to assemble an army and march towards Senderfall, because it is being besieged by basically all of the Fierdsvain (possibly Sarleon too) and their 1000+ army.But no, let's wait outside Ravenstern for eternity doing absolutely nothing (there is not even a feast) with an army that could absolutely annihilate them and when I try to give you advice you say: 'I'm too busy attending my own business' (Even though you are 'friendly' and have 48 relations with me) What business?I'm done. I tell every single lord I can to go to Senderfall and hope for the best. Hope you will be replaced.- An angry vassalEDIT: It has been taken over by the Fierdsvain.
Good job.EDIT 2: I have sieged it and taken it, but lost 8 of my best units, the king awarded it to me, then it was immediately taken over again.Submitted June 10, 2019 at 04:12AM by Cen.