Star Wars Battlefront 2 Titan Mode

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mods
Contents ObjectiveCapital Supremacy has been described as 'non-linear' and a 'sandbox' by the developers, although it does feature some linearity in later phases. At the beginning of a round, two teams of 40 players, reinforced with 12 AI bots per team, can capture five neutral across the map. Once a Command Post is captured, it can be taken by the enemy team, however, and thus each captured Command Post must be defended.Reinforcements are gathered when Command Posts are captured, and when a team has enough reinforcements, a transport is summoned. The transport for the is the while the transport for the is the.
Players will have a short amount of time to reach these transports. Extra tickets are awarded to the team for every player that reaches the transport in time. These extra tickets are used to bolster the attack on the enemy capital ship.Fights then take place in the interiors of one of these capital ships at a time: either a Republic or a Separatist.Once the capital ship has been reached, the attackers must override one of two doors and must then plant a device onto critical ship systems in order to destroy it. Defenders must prevent this and can stop the timer from progressing, but cannot reset its progress.
If the capital ship being attacked is the Separatist Dreadnought, the clones must destroy the droid deployment bay and the cooling vent room. Should it be the Republic Venator under attack, droids must target the cargo bay and the reactor core. If the attackers' tickets are depleted before the systems are destroyed, the fighting will then return to the planet's surface. Any progress done is still kept over should the same team manage to launch another attack on the enemy capital ship.If the defenders manage to successfully repel an attack on their capital ship, then upon returning to the planet's surface, they will be awarded control of a majority of the Command Posts. This gives them reinforcements immediately, giving them a headstart in calling in their transports.The game is over once a capital ship's critical systems are destroyed, causing the capital ship to plummet towards the planet's surface and the attacking team to win.MapsThe following maps are playable on Capital Supremacy:.:.:.:.:A map set on playable on Capital Supremacy will be released sometime in the fall of 2019.
Trivia. Capital Supremacy is very similar to a game mode developed by DICE for their Battlefield series, Titan mode, as seen in Battlefield 2142.