Star Wars Battlefront Ii Wallpaper

Star Wars Battlefront Ii Wallpaper Download
Filed Under: 'EA Play and E3 2019 may be kicking off on Saturday, but Star Wars Battlefront II is hoping to get a jump on all of the video game excitement by releasing a community transmission on June 6, which will reveal new details on this month's big update.And to further tease this transmission, EA and DICE have chosen to release the June 2019 community calendar. Like previous community calendars, this one provides a roadmap for the entire month by revealing when a number of in-game events will take place and providing a date for when the June update will launch.Furthermore, it also confirms that the June 26 update will add another Clone Wars era map to their Capital Supremacy map. However, it stays mum on some of the other surprises players will be able to enjoy when it launches.Fortunately, with an announcement set to come tomorrow, we should expect the developers to shed some more light on the mysterious new update.Here's the June Community Calendar for!— EA Star Wars (@EAStarWars). Star wars lancer class frigate.