Socket To Me Quest
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While trying to get the very last item for a rather tiresome quest in the Jewelcrafting chain , the Golden Hare in Vale of Eternal Blossoms decided to disappear in front of me and never respawned. I landed my mount, dismounted (possibly when I killed a nearby critter) and began moving towards the Hare while spamming right click. It was moving erratically, and I'm not sure if I was close enough to trigger the vendor window that I believe it spawns, but after a couple of seconds of chasing him down, he faded out.I stuck around for about 15 minutes and saw a couple other players fly in, hang out for a couple of seconds, and then mount up and leave. So I submitted a bug and came back about 40 minutes later and the NPC was still not there.Will I be forced to abandon this quest and repeat this incredibly boring thing from the beginning?

Or does anyone have a better suggestion?.